SEO Trends

We know that IT industry keeps evolving and updating and every IT sector also seems to be updating on regular basis. It is necessary to follow these trends and keep up with them. Certain updates in SEO field were made in 2013 and as a result certain new SEO trends are available in 2014.

Today, we are here to brief you about few of these trends

    1. Google +: Let’s see how Google+ serves the SEO industry. It is a social media tool that enhances the overall social media marketing position of any business and also aids in increasing overall SEO rankings. As compared to Facebook, Google + has more potential.One of the main features of Google known as authoring is an important part of any SEO campaign and in the year 2014, publishing your content on Google + will boost your rankings on various search engines.So, why Google+ has become much important? It is because now Google focuses more on content, articles that are shared on Google+ possess their own URL which can later be shared or used for information. The more +1s you get, the more you content is to be noticed by Google algorithm.
    2. Other Social Media Networks: With change in trends, social media network has also started growing and its importance is increased. So, your website should be ready for these changes. Gone are the days when inbound links were considered as the most important SEO strategy for increasing page ranks.
      Now days, the trend is of having maximum number of shares, links, posts, comments and followers that play an important role in building the brand image over the internet. Social media serves as an ideal way to interact between your business and targeted audience which also serves as a beneficial organic SEO strategy.
  1. Mobile Optimization Matter: The increasing demand of mobile devices, the importance of the websites that are optimized to fit any type of web browsing is also on hike. As per Google’s update, the websites that have not made such changes have been met with consequences in their position in search engine.With a view to sustain current competition, mobile optimization is must and so every marketing campaign you create should be clearly viewed on any smart phone, tablet as well as PC. It is an important factor to hold your SEO ground in 2014.Failing to do so can badly hinder your business as those who have a habit of accessing internet from mobile will fail to access your website and as a result, these visitors can get easily diverted to your competitor’s website.

    So, it is advisable to create a responsive website design that provides best user experience to the visitors or chances are there that your bounce rate can increase. Here are some important points that must be considered while developing mobile search:

    • Mobile Voice Search
    • Local Search
    • QR Codes
    • Geo-targeting
    • Social Network integration
    • Google Maps

These are some of the SEO trends that must be followed in order to get better search visibility. The list doesn’t end here. Stay tuned for more such trends that we will share on our blogs and to implement these trends in your SEO strategy, speak to the experts at Platinum SEO services, one of the remarkable SEO Agencies in Adelaide.