Web marketers constantly discuss about developing perfect landing pages. You will find several results when you search for them on the internet. These articles focus on developing specific landing pages for a particular task.

The main thing is that you don’t have to build new landing pages for your website but instead make sure that every page serves the purpose of landing page. There’s no need to create bunch of landing pages for all marketing efforts; just make sure that every page functions as landing page on its own.

Landing Pages Tips

Developing every web page into Landing Page:

  1. Specify the purpose of every web page: In order to make sure that every web page serves the purpose of a landing page; ensure that each page has its definite purpose. Every page on the website is there for a reason; just top ranking is not enough to have pages on the website.

    It is not enough to have a page for discussing a separate product or service. Both are sufficient reasons for having a separate page but however these don’t have any specific purpose.

    So, here the question arises: how this page will help visitors? It is good to render knowledge to the visitors however every time visitors are not in need of that knowledge. Visitors looking for knowledge are actually looking for something else.

    What they really want is something which will help them to live a better life. This means they wish to make perfect use of the information they have gained.

  2. Web page must deliver a message: Every page should reveal a message which must be unique in its own way. For example; About us Page- It is not only about company but it includes all such necessary information about products and services.

    Can About us Page deliver any message? This is one example among dozens and thousands of landing pages on the website. The page of Return policy is more than just the details of how product is to be returned. The product page must deliver the message showcasing how your products and services will be useful to make lives better.

    This means a page with sizing chart delivers the message that it is easy to ensure that they get right product at right time.

  3. Web Pages must be Goal oriented: An important thing that every website page misses is to have a goal. Just; you must know what you wish your visitors to do. Different goals are set for different pages and there are various pages that have multiple goals. Most of the web pages have primary as well as secondary goal.

    The main goal is to transform visitors into customers. Pages without goals are a complete failure. Most of the pages move visitors closer to the conversion however they will not solicit the conversion itself.

    If the only aim of pages is to convert then these are no different from salesman who comes to you and explains the product thus trying to convince you to buy them.

  4. Call to Action on Every Page: To help visitors reach their goal, every web page must have a call to Action. When the visitor reaches at the end of content and then there’s nothing to do; this is the worst case which increases the chances of visitors leaving the website because they feel now their work is over and “There’s nothing to do”.

    In order to avoid such situations; it is necessary to guide the visitors for the next step. Every page must have one or more step. Several calls to action must be spread throughout the content based on messaging.

    However, one must give next step to its visitor and make it crystal clear as to what they need to take it and how. In short; it is mandatory to provide next step to the visitor and make it clear regarding terms and conditions and everything else.

Take Away:

With this; we are sure that you will get more and more customers. Take care of these tips when you start delivering something as per the needs.

For more such details; stay tuned to Platinum SEO; well known provider of cost effective web design services Melbourne.