Who doesn’t wish to get maximum online presence? Everyone wants it, right! But few know the way to achieve it. Well, with Social Media; increasing online presence is an easy task. However, certain techniques are to be followed to actually master the key to success.

Social Media Marketing and Management
In order to tempt customers to read your article or click on the website, it’s necessary that your posts must contain clear images. So, before selecting the images to be inserted in your posts, keep certain things in mind which are as follows:

Tips to Select Images for social media posts:

  • Choose custom image dimensions: Different social media networks have different dimensions as well as criteria for images. If the image that you select fails to meet the criteria for a particular social network then it will automatically adjust the image.This adjustment can worsen your image to an extent and hence it may fail to communicate the message that exactly it wants to the buyers. This badly destroys the image dimensions. Hence, while selecting images for a particular network; these things must be kept in mind.Yes, you can get the image dimension cheat sheet of separate social networks and this will help you to get proper idea for selecting the images for respective social network.
  • Prefer using coloured images in order to attract users: Images should strike the fancy that customers are looking for. In short, these should actually catch their interest. So, it’s advisable to make most use of bold colours as well as using proper colour scheme.
  • Make use of hash tags in images: Even though you use attractive images, it’s important to use hash tags in the images as these tags make it easy for images to get indexed and make them easily searchable on the network.
  • Use images with Text: Images should actually convince viewers to click on them. So, it’s advisable to add a eye catching caption to the images that helps to get the audience engaged easily.
  • Always use original images: Avoid using images that are copyrighted or look similar to that of the copy righted ones. The reason either your images may lead you to penalty or also it may get mixed with those of the popular brands thus misleading the buyers.
  • Avoid stuffing images: Social media sites generally possess casual environment except that of LinkedIn. So, always use the images that are equivalent to the social media environment.
  • Your images should deliver the message: The main aim of using images on your business page is to deliver the idea of your business to the customers in such a way that it actually forces them to share and click your post.The images must properly convey the message that you actually wish to share with your customers.
  • Well optimized images are the doorways to success: Constant engagement with customers is required on various social media sites. This ensures success of any website. Your images must be trend setters and must deal with both the design of the network as well as the need of the audience.

Wind up:

Following these tips will lead you to select proper images that will actually fit the purpose and ultimately lead to increase in the online presence on various social media sites. Need more assistance regarding making proper use of social media? Get in touch with Platinum SEO, SEO Company in Melbourne.