Recently, Google announced, the next level of search called “The Physical Web”. Very soon, all the devices will be available for you and can be interact with you as a publicly and will respond act like a beacon, where it will help to user by nearby their presence.
What is Physical Web Search?
By this, each and every device can be communicate or interact easily by simply default application by using a simple web URL, Yes…!!! By Web URL.Which will be provided to each device for their presence as well as communication.
In future, You will no need to download many kinds of different application for just single purpose. Because this limitation will be breakable and will move toward the smart devices, not for the only smart phone.
Each and every thing will become smart and responds quickly as soon as possible. Some examples are as follows:
Smart Bus Stop, Which will tell you the arriving time of Buses.
- Vending Machines and Parking Meter, will enhance your experience more better and you can pay quickly within a minute without the worry of loose money.
- Any shop or store, no matter how small or big it is, can be offer online experience much better than today shopping. And physical retail shops can be easily survive with online store, because it’ll be all about depend upon your nearby location, So you’ll be prefer the Goods which is near to you.
- And, you can find out any of your favorite foods nearby to your location.

How it Works?
Now, People are downloading many apps for different different needs for example, if you want to purchase some clothes or shoes, then you’ll download an app for an individual store or a company or shop. You’ll download many apps for online shopping like Flipkart, Amazon and snapdeal, which will waste your time as well as consume your mobile battery, for a result of single shoes pair. So now, by the ‘Physical Web’, this will be become easier for you to search shoes nearby your location and also you can see that your need or requirement is in store or not, which will make your experience better than now.
More about it
- It is open source, because to become all are standardized and for the communication possibility this is necessary to become this Open Source. Because each and every will be use it and can implement it for step up the search.
- The basic structure behind it, is web URL, like the current web. Each device will have their own specific web URL through which we can get the information.
- This is not a Product of Google, but rather an Open-Source, in which Google is contributing to it, for enhancing the experience of user to local search. You can download the code by GitHub.
- This will work based on extension, so in future, there will be no limitation of the platform. And this is also not be develop like as an application instead of this, it will work on the background of the phone or tablet or desktop, which will respond actively when any kind of search will be performed on the device at the browser.
Wind Up:
Start using the latest technologies for your business like Physical Web Search. For more such details about latest technological updates, stay in touch with Platinum SEO, a well known Local SEO Company in Melbourne.