Generally, people develop eCommerce websites either to get more leads, increase reputation or get more customers. Depending on the website, conversion methods vary. In order to get maximum number of conversions, there are certain techniques that must be used and implemented to achieve set conversion targets.

Increasing Conversions

Tips to Get More Conversion Rates:

  • Get as much email ids as you can: You can collect emails from social traffic as well as search traffic. Emails have more capacity to get maximum conversion rates as compared to social traffic or traffic derived from search engines.
  • Offer Free Shipping: Almost 90% of the buyers tend to get attracted to those shopping websites that offer free shipping and very few of them opt for unconditional shipping and generally customers don’t complete checkout due to high shipping charges.Talking about coupon codes, some of the customers leave the shopping cart as they keep on finding coupon codes on your website in case if any are available. So, if you have any coupon code scheme, kindly make it fairly visible so that buyers can quickly get the benefit.
  • Avoid Any Hidden Fees: We have seen many eCommerce websites that reveal certain fees during checkout. This leaves a very bad impact on the buyers and forces them to avoid purchasing the product.So, whatever fees are applicable such as Shipping charge, postage charge etc should be stated clearly without any surprise or suspense to the buyers and we strongly advice to remove any such hidden fees and clearly state them so that buyers purchase the product if they are interested to pay such fees and they don’t get surprised with sudden charges.
  • Target first time viewers: Try to bring back the first time visitors and convert them to the customers. As per the survey, hardly 2 to 3% people purchase something from your e-shop during their first visit.There are many who just add items to their cart and finally leave the website without fulfilling the order. So, how can you target first time visitors? Here, we have mentioned some of the features that will help you to do so:
    1. Adding product filters.
    2. Provide guarantee to create trust in potential buyers.
    3. Make the checkout process easy and quick
    4. Notify the customers when they are going to abandon the cart without making any purchase.
    5. Add product reviews to your site so that customers are aware whether the product
      is going to fulfill their needs or not.

Hence, these are the tips for increasing conversion rates of an eCommerce website particularly for those that are created to get more sales. Our next blog will include tips to increase conversions for Lead Generation Sites.


Certain functionalities can be added only by eCommerce experts. So, we strictly advice to get in touch with well known one of the SEO Agencies in Melbourne, Platinum SEO in order to get these techniques implemented in your website.