2016 is nearing and various prediction posts are getting published. Recently, we found some news about manual link building. In this coming year, manual link building will continue to play vital role in SEO.

Without the strategic pursuit of links; one is missing out on search as a channel and leaving the marketing opportunities on the table. Here, in this blog post we will share everything about why manual link acquisition will have its same importance.

Link Building

There are several agencies that work for hundreds of clients of all sizes and their main work is develop manual links. Links are always useful in SEO and these must not be ignored.

When Link Building was used for first time?

2016 is not the first year when link building will be used. In this year, it will regain its importance. Link acquisition was available before the launch of Google algorithms. Before Penguin Algorithm was launched, link building was everything about spam and automation.

Penguin reduced all its spam and majority of spamming links were devalued with Penguin. Google is thinking to release new penguin update by the end of 2015. Today, links have become more powerful as Google keeps on investing in links as a signal.

Does Content Marketing replace Link Building?

Content marketing and link building are completely different. Great content will naturally bring more links via social engagement and public awareness.

It is necessary to promote links properly or else some sort of valuable marketing can be missed. Links are a strong signal within Google’s search algorithm. Leaving link equity on table means to lose search visibility.

Links offer marketing value beyond SEO. These can be useful for developing new connections and relationships, looking for new audience and communities, branding value as well as various access points to your site and referral traffic.

It is not possible to automate real links as manual link building needs:

  • Human creativity
  • Proper promotion with effective strategy
  • Persuasiveness
  • Interaction among Human beings
  • Marketing Savvy
  • Audience research
  • Critical thinking
  • Relevance
  • Relationship building.

Links will still play an important role in SEO:

Till the time you are marketing your business you will have to form manual links. Apart from this, other marketing opportunities will naturally create link opportunities and if manual efforts are not applied then these opportunities will be missed.

Irrespective of how Google or any other search engine changes their algorithms, links serve as the basis for the web. Google’s search algorithm doesn’t make links valuable but links add value to the web.

Links serve as a basic function to the internet and without it the web will be incredibly difficult to navigate. People use links to navigate on the internet and this won’t change in 2016. Manual link building will still be valuable and hence must be considered in online marketing.

Wind Up:

Don’t give up on links. Links are a strong force that drives traffic. To know more about various link building strategies; get in touch Platinum SEO; a firm that offers affordable SEO prices Melbourne.