Pay Per click advertising is a method used to promote products and services. But in order to know which PPC campaign works better; it is necessary to evaluate each and every campaign and track the results.
But how can we evaluate these PPC campaigns and why there’s a need to conduct such audits? Well, before we go deeper; let’s understand what exactly PPC Audit is?

PPC Audit:
PPC audit is done to know the account structure and check whether it is perfect or not. With this; one can get deeper insights about Google Adwords and know whether everything including network type, keywords performance, ad extensions, quality scores and more to provide right conversions and ROI.
Audit is useful for:
- Identifying whether anything is missing in the account or not.
- Know about the changes in customer behaviour based on interests and habits.
- Know about change in strategies.
- Know the changes in search terms
- Keeping track of the performance.
Audits are necessary:
- To analyze the accounts and identify errors.
- Analyze every component and if needed can be improved.
- Fill the gaps and examine the data.
- Take necessary actions and boost performance.
- Avoid conducting non performing campaigns again and again.
What is the time frame for PPC audits to be conducted?
- The time frame for the audit depends upon the strategy developed and these should be done at regular intervals which can be weekly, fortnightly, quarterly or we can say monthly basis.
- For businesses having low budget, it is recommended to conduct monthly audit. For large business enterprises where accounts are complex and campaigns are conducted in large numbers such as adgroups, ads, higher budgets, offers and promotions involved in audits then at such places audits must be conducted once in a week.
- In case campaigns fail to perform then audits must be conducted regularly basis till the time campaigns are able to generate positive results.
Components of PPC Audit:
Once the data range is selected then following components are to be checked:
Settings Tab:
- Targeted Devices: The devices that give maximum conversions must get maximum share in the budget while the devices that offer low CTR but have high cost per click and delivers few impressions should be removed.
- Delivering advertisements: Businesses having small budgets must opt for Standard delivery option. With accelerated delivery, Google displays ads frequently and as a result, budget gets finished quickly.Here, A/B testing is the option that can be used to test which delivery methods must be used to get desired results.
- Ad Rotation: Ad rotations are of various types. Choose the one that gives you sufficient ROI.
- Location Settings: The location that offers better conversion rates must be selected and these must be allocated higher budgets as compared to that of non performing locations. At any point of time; if you are unable to change the ad location then you can alter the ad copy as well as keyword match types and other such factors to get best out of that location.
- Targeting languages: If you have websites in one or more languages then you can use A/B Testing to know the one that has better performance and to optimize the ones with lower performance.
So, it is advisable to run A/B testing to check what different setting can be used to enhance better performance.
Account Structure:
- Campaign Structure: Make sure that the campaign structure is related to your website structure and divided into different categories and sub categories. It helps to achieve better quality score and increased ROI.Check whether the naming structure makes sense or is easily understandable. Know if ad groups have unique names that explain the contents. Identify whether the campaigns are related to search network or display network or both?
Check points:
- Keep in mind that the campaign structure must be in hierarchy and must be well designed in such a way that anyone can easily understand the structure and get an idea what exactly the website is all about.
- Ensure that the targeting is correct.
- A good well maintained account structure gets higher ROI as well as higher quality structure.
- A/B Testing should be done for at least three ad copies per group and this will help to check which ones are working and which are not.
- Ad Groups: Ad groups must also be checked to know which ones work the best. Check whether the ad groups are of general category or not. Identify whether they are included in sub categories or are available in separate groups.
Points for Perfect Ad groups:
- Ad groups must be specific to any particular category or sub category of products.
- Each ad group should not contain more than 20 keywords and every keyword must have at the most 3 ads.
- Using few keywords, one can easily check the performance for every keyword as well as its ad copy.
Landing Pages:
Know how much time does a landing page takes to get loaded and check if all of these including slow redirects, multiple re directs, slow server response, large page size are in order or not. Know whether the website has responsive landing page or not?
Check if the landing page is cross compatible?
How to check whether a landing page is perfect or not?
- We can use Page Speed Insights Tool to check the page load time.
- All elements such as slow redirects, multiple redirects, server responses and page sizesmust be properly checked.
- All landing pages must work properly on all browsers and devices such as laptops, mobile devices and tablets.
Apart from the above mentioned components, there are other such components which must be considered while measuring Pay per click performance and these we will discuss in our coming blogs.
Wind Up:
So, that’s it for the day. Stay tuned with us for more information regarding PPC Audit. Keep in touch with Platinum SEO, Melbourne Adwords Company where you can get top class Adwords Management services at affordable rates.