Today, if we look at every business, each of them will be busy planning their marketing strategy. Business owners are busy viewing their business, i.e. its facts and figures in 2014. Goal formation and what one needs to achieve in this year, everything is going to get planned in the first month of 2015.
If we talk about digital marketers they are busy in checking the no. of likes, shares, tweets their social media business page has received. They keep collecting social data in order to provide personalized, up to the mark content to their visitors. As a result, nearly above 50% of marketers believe to offer data driven content to the users and this they consider to be a perfect way for successful growth.
Talking about current trend, most of the online business owners or we can say Digital marketing experts solely concentrate on inbound marketing techniques as this will help them to properly segment their audience and target them via various online marketing efforts for different social media platforms.
So, if we look at the upcoming digital marketing trends then here are they

- Social media marketingEvery customer’s demographic profile must be known to understand them in a better way. We must keep ourselves with current conversations and temporary trends if any. The topic that is most discussed on social media networks must be known.This helps business to present them in a friendly manner on these social media sites. So, developing high quality customer centric content is one of the ways of interacting effectively with customers.With the help of internal communication via social media channels, a strong rapport can be developed with the users thus helping business to properly establish its brand equity.
- Re targeting AdsOne of the useful ways to get potential customers. Showing a human face in your brand is the key factor to get value from customers. By retargeting, websites that are often visited on the internet are tracked and then keeping in mind the likes and dislikes based on the websites they watched, products, necessary content etc is promoted via advertisements on different websites.As a result, overall conversion can be increased by providing a reminder for the product by way of advertisements to the customers. This form of advertisement is adopted to make a top position in the minds of customers.
- Mobile & Video Marketing2015 is surely going to be the year that mainly focuses on mobile friendly advertisements as well as mobile friendly websites or we can say responsive websites. All businesses will have to produce content that is easily readable on hand held devices like mobile, tablet etc.According to one prediction, by 2017 most of the sales will take place via mobiles and tablets. So, in order to increase sales; it is mandatory for businesses to either get responsive websites developed or create an alternative mobile friendly version of the website as otherwise they can be back in the competition.Videos on the other hand are most important for businesses to get more conversions because most of the people prefer to recognize the business from the video and video marketing is going to be the leader in 2015 to increase conversion rates.
Wind up
In a nutshell, if you wish to frame a perfect digital marketing strategy for 2015 then keep mobile marketing as well as video marketing at top. Also, don’t forget to create compelling high quality content. For more updates, stay tuned with Platinum SEO, one of the remarkable SEO Agencies Melbourne.