Optimizing any website for Google is one of the best ways to get maximum traffic. It’s in the interest of every one to get their website found easily on the internet and this is one of the reasons for businesses to reach at heights and maximize their visibility on Google search pages.
Google is always in search of websites who always opt for black hat SEO practices. Recently, few announcements were made by Google for some of the best practices and now it will bring “ranking adjustment” where Google has its doorway page.

Which sites cannot be accepted by Google?
Sometimes we wonder what exactly is considered as good site optimization. As per Google, websites are developed to make people aware about your services and rank high for certain inquiries. Recently, Google announced their Webmaster Blog where a new doorway penalty is applicable.
There are certain questions which must be considered to know whether your doorways are against Google’s Policy or not:
- Do you develop a website only to optimize it for search engines and funnel visitors or actually to provide proper information to the people? Is it an integral part of your website’s user experience?
- Are the pages developed with a view to get highly ranked? Is the content specific to every web page?
- Do your pages contain duplicate content which already consists on the site with a view to get more traffic?
- Is it necessary to solely drive affiliate traffic from these pages? Is it necessary for users to create unique value in the content?
- Is it difficult to navigate from one page to another in any website? Does it contain links only for search engines?
Only few business people will read these questions and will get surprised. This will tend them to wonder whether doorway page are really accepted or not. Several questions remain complex.
Best practices to be followed:
Let’s assume you clicked on a link and instead of getting the exact content, you were redirected to some different place and instead of the page you thought will be displayed, a separate page was displayed. This really affects the user search experience.
The main aim of Google is to offer a good search experience to the people. So, while creating web pages, keep in mind whether you are creating it for search engines or for audience. Here, there’s a huge difference in using a doorway for a particular reason and just willing to get more clicks.
So, make sure you are careful while using doorways as Google’s penalty for doorways is really uncertain. Hence, keep this thing in mind while creating websites and optimizing them especially for search engines.
Wind Up:
Hope this will be helpful to you while developing websites. For more such tips about various types of Google penalties and how to optimize the websites to protect them for penalties; stay in touch with Platinum SEO, an esteemed Melbourne SEO Services provider.