Are you the owner of eCommerce site? Then we are sure that your main goal is to make a sale. If you don’t get proper sales then something is wrong with your SEO. It is necessary that technical SEO must be strong enough to generate sales.

So, what exactly technical SEO is? Technical SEO is basically the one that covers the technical part of the business i.e. website code and architecture which shows the website quality in terms of search. The technical SEO strategy of an eCommerce site has much more to do with products and their display.

Consumer demand abstract illustration

The interaction of customers with them and the site design as well as construction are the best secrets of an eCommerce site. Majority of eCommerce stores lack a solid technical SEO strategy which seems to be a nuanced area.

If you pay attention to these areas then you can see the improvements implemented in your technical SEO which will help you to get top 3 rankings.

The structure of Product pages:

The product pages are the ones that can be used to boost technical SEO. Here there are two areas to be developed which you wish to address.

Product descriptions and Titles:

One can have H1 title and product description tag on the product page and it must include target keywords as well. Here, the main thing is one must make sure that target keywords are specific enough. This image is a perfect example of the same.

Rich Snippets:

Rich snippets are much simple. These are small pieces of code which identify elements of a particular product like as price, type; product reviews and then these are to be translated to a search engine. If the rich snippets are lacking then these won’t be available in search results.

If the rich snippets are optimized properly then the product titles and descriptions help search engine to easily understand the website. This helps to get higher rank and boost the chances of transforming a visitor to a purchase.

Product category Pages:

Search engines mostly prefer fast loading websites. This means if the site is slow then your rankings are definitely affected. If you have too many products on category pages then you can easily contribute to a slow site load time.

For instance; if you opt for Men’s casual shirts then you may need to load the products of one page to another based on the company size. With pagination, one can allow its customers to take a look at maximum number of manageable products.

Several options then can be paged out for various options and then potentially choose the number of products to see per page. This reduces the load time as well as offers sense of control.

Mobile Performance:

Now days, mobile have surpassed laptop or desktop search. Hence, eCommerce websites have no option but to get their websites optimized for mobile. If we talk about Google’s algorithm then one of the important things is to know whether the website is mobile friendly or not.

If the answer is no then one must not expect to be in a competitive position in search results. Hence, now days it is not advisable to ignore mobile as an option. So, always make sure that your website is mobile friendly. This can be checked out by testing your website through Google’s mobile friendly test.

Take Away:

Now, next time if you wish to get your website optimized from experts in order to gain good sales then you must read this blog post from Platinum SEO; a well known SEO Packages provider in Melbourne.