Today, visual marketing has become one of the most recommended ways to get in touch with the customers. Those businesses who are highly worried about SEO; for them visual marketing is one of the biggest challenges.
Specific keywords are required by search algorithms and this makes it difficult to challenge competitors. To be at the top position among search results, it is necessary to have images that have a completely different look and feel.
One can also use text to increase rankings. Posting pictures or videos on social media networks, there will be less room for text. Apart from using special words for product descriptions and updates; one can also use tags to boost rankings and get in touch with more customers.
So, how images can be used to improve social media reach?
- Research tags: With these tags, one can get proper keywords for your brand. These keywords must be used in the image file name, alternate tags as well as description tags in the website.For various social media sites, keywords must also be included in hash tags as well as status updates.
- What’s in Demand? : A good way to reach to more customers is to make most use of popular hash tags on Twitter and Instagram. is one of the sites that offer you various hash tags in different languages.While using a trending hash tag one can easily get in touch with people via those hash tags for appealing content.
- Get involved in the discussion: When there’s any special event; hash tags related to that event will change for sure. One should be prepared for such social media friendly events. These events can serve a good purpose for businesses as a good way to advertise their product or service.
- Be Specific: Once you get to know the importance of visual marketing then various services will be available that will help your business stand out. Among these services, one is Fyuse that creates images which is a mixture of photos and videos.This is a 3D effect which offers bird’s eye view of various scenes and objects. Fyuse offers image tagging through which users can tag an item in the photo and that tag will then be available on the item irrespective of the view.
Brands can also post price tags or promote a link in the website. This can definitely help to increase sales.
- Location Friendly: Nowdays, location based searches have become more popular. With the help of tagging, one can mark the image by its location to advance the number of local people.Geo imaging is an effective way to mark coordinates on each of the photo so that it can be linked to a specific location. Such services can be available with the help of tools like GeoImgr.
Wind up:
With Image tagging, one can increase the chances of having images in their search rankings. It also offers opportunities to get engaged with users on social media and then add various data like as price tags and item name.
For more such updates, stay connected with Platinum SEO; SEO Experts in Sydney.