The buzz around the internet; Social networking sites; some use these for personal use while some make use of these sites for business purpose. Now, it’s up to the users for which purpose they actually want to make most use of social media.
However, this blog post from SEO Agency in Sydney shows what one must avoid doing on social media when it is to be used for business purpose?

Things that one must avoid doing on social media when used professionally:
A general idea that is in everyone’s mind is social networking sites are best to create brand awareness as well as spread the word among the audience or we can say like- minded people who are in search of such business or service that is provided by you.
Social media is widely used by everyone but business owners are mostly unaware as to what one must do and what one must not when using these sites to promote your business or services. So, let’s begin:
- Share only the accurate information: Social media is to make people awaken about the things going on around us. Rumours are strict no-no when it comes to social media marketing.Never ever for the sake of jealousy post wrong news against your competitors or even their brands, yes you can promote your brand or service and show how it is useful to the users but comparison between two products thus showing that competitors are offering low quality is not advisable.Always publish the information only if you are 100% sure about it and have some good proof about its factors. Hence, credibility is of prime importance when it comes to sharing content on social media sites.
This is because whatever you share will get re-shared. Hence, always post things that are 100% genuine.
- Avoid using unnecessary Hash tags: Yes, hash tags are useful however unnecessary hash tags can lead to spammy content. If your post contains maximum hash tags instead of text then such posts instead of benefitting you can lead you to trouble.
- Always remember that your followers are Living Beings: Your posts on social media are not being followed by robots. They are seen and read by live people, human beings. Hence, every post you keep on any of the social media sites must contain information that actually entices the real users.Make sure to interact with people based on their comments. Make strong efforts to interact with them.
- Don’t Forget to send people to Landing Page: Your posts are really good and helpful to the readers but how can these be helpful to you if you are not getting enough sales or profit from the same.Always make sure that your post contains a link that tempts users to take some action. Provide a link from which they can know more about your product or services. Use definite “Call to Action Phrases” to compel users to take action.However, a perfect Call to Action phrase must do what it says. This means “Learn More” must actually give opportunity to readers to know more about your product or services.
- Stop displaying same message at all platforms: Every social media account of your business must display something different. Various tools are available that stop you from posting one and the same message at several social media platforms.Displaying one and the same message can result into decrease in followers because there are some people who follow you on all platforms. Now, one same message on all sites can lead to a thinking that there’s a need to follow you on only single platform.
Wind Up:
Hope this blog post will help you to make effective use of your social media sites. Keep these things in mind while framing your next online marketing campaign. Do share your experience with us.