Thinking to develop a website? Willing to go as per Google’s philosophy? Then, keep in mind its very first philosophy which states “Focus on the user first and everything else will follow”. However, deep in heart we may be aware of this thing but we often ignore this and concentrate mainly on web crawlers as well as stuffed keywords.

Yes, this was the SEO strategy that worked years back and now the main focus is to enhance user experience via your website Design. Google says that it is better to design your website for users rather than for SEO purpose.

Website like Cake
No, don’t leave SEO completely but think more of users as compared to search engines or web crawlers. Hence, for web designers it’s mandatory to consider both to frame a perfect website. But how this balance can be maintained?

Maintaining balance between the user experience as well as SEO can be cumbersome task but this can be very soon made easy as now this blog will show you how to do so?

Easily Balance SEO as well as User Experience:

  • Becoming Mobile Friendly: Recently, Google introduced its mobile friendly update that advances the rankings of websites thus making them more functional and easily readable on mobile devices.One must make sure that a website is designed to be easily readable on every device including mobile as now more searches take place from mobile as compared to desktop and laptop.As per Google, a website must be responsive as well as have dynamic URLs and out of this, responsiveness is necessary to maintain the SEO and UX of your website. If you adopt responsive design, website remains the same but its display becomes different on different websites. Separate URLs can be less favourable.For mobile based sites, SEO and UX are two sides of the same coin. Responsive web design is user friendly. Users can visit the same website on every device. This makes it mobile friendly as well as SEO friendly.
  • Use infinite scroll cautiously: Infinite scroll is user friendly and considered perfect to increase user experience. When used, more content can be loaded as the page is scrolled down to the bottom of the page. There are several popular websites such as Pinterest and BuzzFeed that use this feature.However, the content that is visible to users is invisible to web crawlers. Infinite scroll is a very well used design element which if one uses in the website will never regret to do so. Apart from this, Google prefers to develop paginated series that ensures a website must load faster and allow users to easily find the information they need.
  • Keep a ban on “Click to Expand”: Yes, infinite scroll is good to be used. But “Click to expand’ must be refrained to be used in the websites. This design makes most use of links or tabs which when clicked opens more content.Sometimes, this hidden content is often ignored however it is advisable to use it sparingly. If we keep SEO in mind then this must be avoided but if we keep UX in mind then this can be useful.
  • Avoid using heavy images: Images are one of the popular ways to convey the information to the readers. As per Rand Fishkin; CEO Moz blog; text only pages perform better as compared to those having heavy images which take time to get loaded.Thinking from users view point, images are necessary but from SEO perspective; it is advisable to use less images.

Wind up:

So, next time you develop a website; make sure to balance both SEO as well as UX. For better guidance, stay connected with Platinum SEO, SEO in Melbourne.